This Legal Notice regulates the general conditions of access and use of the accessible website at the URL (hereinafter, the website), which Rodrigo Reformas y Obras S.L. makes available to the Internet users. The use of this website implies full and unreserved acceptance of each and every provision included in this Legal Notice. Thus, the website user may carefully read this Legal Notice in every occasion the web may be used, since the text could be modified by the web owner or due to a legal and jurisprudential change or in the company practice.


Name of the owner: Rodrigo Reformas y Obras S.L
Registered office: C/ Alcalde José Mª Tárraga, 18
Town: San Pedro del Pinatar
Province: Murcia
P.C.: 30740
C.I.F. number: B-73714396
Telephone: +34 968 186 775


This website eases the information access and services provided by Rodrigo Reformas y Obras S.L. to people or organisations who may be interested in them.


3.1. Free access and use of the website for its users.

3.2. Users Registration. In general, this website access and use does not require previous subscription or registration for its users.


The language used by the website owner will be Spanish. Rodrigo Reformas y Obras S.L. is not responsible for the lack of understanding of this website, nor its consequences.

Rodrigo Reformas y Obras S.L. may modify the contents without previous notice, as well as to delete and change them, such as the way to access, without any justification and freely, being not responsible for the consequences that may arise to the users.

The website contents are forbidden to advertise, hire, or spread advertising or information to third parties without the authorisation of Rodrigo Reformas y Obras S.L, nor to send advertising or information using the services or information available to the users, regardless of whether the use is free or not.

The aim of the links or hyperlinks which third parties may have in their websites, related to this website, will be for the opening of the full website, not being able, direct or indirectly, false, inexistent or confusing indications, nor incurring in unfair or illicit actions against Rodrigo Reformas y Obras S.L.


Both the website access and the not allowed use may be made of the information therein belongs to the sole liability of the person carrying it out. Rodrigo Reformas y Obras S.L. will not be liable for any consequence or damage that may be arose from this access or use. Rodrigo Reformas y Obras S.L. is not liable for the security errors that may be produced nor the damages that may be caused to the user‘s computer system (hardware and software), or to the files or documents stored therein, as a consequence of:

– A virus on the user’s computer which is used to the services and contents web connection.
– A malfunction of the browser.
– And/or the use of non-updated versions of it.

Rodrigo Reformas y Obras S.L. is not liable for the hyperlinks reliability and speed included in this website to access to other ones. Rodrigo Reformas y Obras S.L. does not guarantee the usefulness of these links and is not responsible of the contents, services or proper functioning in webs where the user could access through these links. Rodrigo Reformas y Obras S.L. will not be responsible for viruses or other computer programs which may damage user’s computer systems or equipments, acceding to other website though this website links.


The website uses cookies. Cookies Policy, which respects confidentiality and privacy, may be consulted.


All the rights of intellectual and industrial property in the website and its contents belong to Rodrigo Reformas y Obras S.L. Any use of the website or its contents will be exclusively for private use. It is only reserved to Rodrigo Home Design. Any other use of copying, reproduction, distribution, transformation, public communication or any other similar action of all the contents or part of them may not be carried out unless Rodrigo Reformas y Obras S.L. provides its previous written authorisation.


Rodrigo Reformas y Obras S.L. guarantees the protection and confidentiality of any personal data provided by our client companies, in accordance with the provisions of the Organic Regulation 15/1999, December 13th, Personal Data Protection.

All the provided data by our client companies to Rodrigo Reformas y Obras S.L, or to its staff will be included in a computerised file of personal data under the responsibility of Rodrigo Reformas y Obras S.L, indispensable to provide the requested services by the users.

The data provided will be treated according to the Regulation of Security Measures (Royal Decree 1720/2007, December 21st. In this regard Rodrigo Reformas y Obras S.L has adopted the levels of protection that are legally required, and has installed and technical measures at its disposal to avoid loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorised access by third parties. However, the user must be aware that the security measures on the Internet are not impregnable. In case transferring personal data to other entities is considered appropriate, the user will be informed of the data provided, the purpose of the file, the name and address of the transferee, so that the unequivocal consent may be provided.

In compliance with the provisions of the RGPD (General Regulation of Data Protection), the user may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition. For this purpose, the user may contact Rodrigo Home Design at


This Legal Notice will be interpreted and regulated in accordance with the Spanish legislation. Rodrigo Reformas y Obras S.L. and the users, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may be related to them, are submitted to the courts of the user address for any dispute that may arise from the access and use of the web. In the event the user has his address outside Spain, Rodrigo Reformas y Obras S.L. and the user, are submitted, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction, to the courts of the address of Rodrigo Reformas y Obras S.L.